Master Communicator Honouree


Master Communicator Honouree


Sue Ridewood ABC, MC

Calgary, AB

Sue Ridewood worked in corporate communications for 15 years and then embarked on a freelance/consulting career for more than 20 years, finishing her working life at the University of Calgary. Sue is a quiet leader who decided early on in her career to lead from beside, rather than choosing a traditional career trajectory involving promotion for advancement.

Her thoughtful, collaborative approach is based on active listening – leadership through understanding before providing counsel. Sue’s belief in mentorship as a means to grow the communications profession has been consistently demonstrated in her work.

She received her ABC designation in 1991 and has held a number of volunteer positions with IABC over the years, including heading the IABC Calgary accreditation portfolio grading centre for more than 10 years and mentoring with IABC’s executive accreditation program, and developing a successful chapter mentorship program. She continues to match mentorship pairs for IABC Calgary each fall. She is honoured to have served five years on the IABC Canada West Region board, two years as National Programs Director and three as Communications Director, as well as a year at the International level.

Throughout her career she’s focused her efforts on doing the things she loves – and always with a strategic focus. Sue strongly believes writing is the most important skill a communications professional can have.