Jennifer Wah, ABC, MC
Vancouver, BC
Jennifer operates an independent consulting company that focuses on “ideas, plans, words, results.” She founded the company in 1995 and has built it up to be one of the leading communications consultancies in British Columbia. Her company’s scope of services includes creative direction, editorial support and production for both traditional and new media. Her work covers a broad spectrum of employee communications, measurement and evaluation, storytelling,
coaching and facilitation. Over the years she has been involved in fundraising, healthcare communications, media, community and public relations and crisis communications.
She is a passionate communicator and business leader with a casual style and sharp business sense. Her clients are representative of the major employment sectors in British Columbia including health care, tourism, forestry, financial services, education and provincial government ministries and crown corporations. She has built her client base using a virtual team business model that is highly cost effective for her clients.
She is a speaker at the local, national and international levels of IABC and has been a leader in the advancement of IABC’s accreditation process since earning her accreditation in 1998 and was instrumental in developing the Accreditation Completion Program, which became a model for similar programs around the world. As IABC Chair, Mark Schumann, ABC, said: “Every IABC member who considers starting the accreditation process should look to Jennifer Wah, ABC, for inspiration. This longtime IABC volunteer and leader beautifully capture what accreditation is all about.”
Jennifer has served as an IABC leader on boards at the chapter, national and international levels. She was the international chair of the IABC Gold Quill Award program and program chair for two world conferences.
She is an author of articles in IABC’s Communication World magazine and other IABC leader materials. She co-authored a corporate history for a large forestry company as a coffee table-style book, which won two Gold Quill Awards and was named best corporate book in America by the Independent Publishers Association of the USA. Jennifer is a multiple winner of IABC Gold Quill, Silver Leaf and Bronze Quill awards.