Ryan Williams, ABC, MC
Vancouver, BC
Ryan Williams is passionate about communication measurement. His leadership has expanded technical knowledge of communication-related research for
practitioners, and influenced the understanding of its importance by management and leaders.
Ryan has been an IABC volunteer at local, national and international levels. He was a trustee of the IABC Research Foundation, where he contributed to a
refocusing of the foundation’s research initiatives. He chaired the research committee of the IABC International Executive Board.
He has been an evangelist for higher standards in communication, earning Gold Quill, Silver Leaf and other awards for employee engagement, sales
communication, e- mail education, internal communication and social media strategy. As one of his supporters says: “Ryan’s commitment to research-based
communication is influencing the way communicators everywhere determine how to approach communication challenges and then evaluate the effectiveness of
their work.”
Ryan is a frequent speaker at IABC’s international conferences and at local chapters. He has also established a long list of organizations outside the
communication profession to which he brings our message: Research-based communication strategy and the ability to effectively measure outcomes.
Ryan has been exceptionally active in his local community—acting as a youth director for a local church, participating in election campaigns at municipal,
provincial and federal levels, and coaching high school football for 12 seasons.
He is also one-half of the first father-son team to be named master communicators. His father, Tudor, was named a master communicator in 1989.