AGM & Proposed CER 2023-24 Board Slate

May 20, 2023

Join IABC Canada East Region’s as we look back at the year and vote in the next board at our Annual General Meeting on June 21, 2023 at 12:00pm eastern.

More information about this year’s AGM:
IABC CER Transition Board Meeting & AGM Agenda (June 21-2023)
IABC CER 2022 Annual General Meeting Minutes

Proposed Slate: 2023/2024 IABC Canada East Region Board

Board Position Term Nominee
Chair 2nd of 3-year term
(automatic succession)
Marie Fitzpatrick
Past Chair  3rd of 3-year term
(automatic succession)
Andrew Kaszowski
Vice Chair 1st of 3-year term
(automatic succession in subsequent years)
Kaleigh Maclaren 
Director, Finance  2nd year 2-year term  Linda Andross
Director, Communications 2nd year 2-year term Samuel Chen
Director, Professional Development 1 year with option for 2 vacant
Director, Sponsorship 2nd year 2-year term  vacant
Director, National Programs 2nd year 2-year term Jaye Bowers
Chapter Presidents (7)

(As per the CER Bylaws, a voting position is also assigned to each of the seven Canada East Region chapter president) 

Coincides with chapter term/Automatic membership
  • IABC London
  • IABC Maritimes
  • IABC Quebec
  • IABC Ottawa
  • IABC Toronto
  • IABC Waterloo

The slate will be presented online for a vote at our virtual AGM on June 21, 2023.

Candidates standing for office for the first time will also be invited to join the CER AGM. Each person will have a few minutes to introduce themselves and answer any questions board members may have about their nomination. Comments and questions or login details may also be sent in advance to Paula Bernardino at (