Meet our Members: Jonathan Tremblay

March 19, 2023

March is Member Month at IABC, so let’s meet some of our members and find out why they chose IABC.

Name: Jonathan Tremblay, CMP Jonathan TrebmblayJonathan Termblay

Employer: Commissionaires

Job title: Director of Business Development

Years in the communications profession: Approx. 20 years

How long have you been an IABC member? 12 years

What kind of IABC membership do you have? Basic membership

Are you certified (CMP, SCMP) or accredited (ABC)? What do you hold? Why is that important to you?

CMP – It was important for me to have this ISO-recognized certification while working communications with technical people. CEOs who are engineers, accountants, lawyers, etc. know little of the science and rigour behind “communications”, but they understand what goes into an annually maintained professional certification.

What’s your best IABC memory?

In-person networking, learning about best practices globally and in different industries (In Kelowna in 2017, in New Orleans in 2014, in Edmonton in 2013…). Being able to pick up the phone and contact a mentor or colleague on almost every continent.

What do you find most valuable about your IABC membership?

The local networking and professional development opportunities. This has become uneven during and after the pandemic.

Which aspects of membership do you make use of and what do you find valuable about them?

  • PD events: When they occur locally, a great way to learn about innovation in local businesses that work in our immediate context.
  • Networking events: Great way to build my network locally and reconnect with old colleagues. A great source of new career opportunities.
  • Award judging: Great to help maintain my certification and to learn of new innovation globally.
  • Award submissions: A good way to celebrate my teams and our big projects.
  • Volunteering for International committees / boards: Global board governance experience is difficult to get early in your career. IABC has given me this in spades.
  • Volunteering for local / regional boards: Unparalleled professional development and lifelong colleagues.

Learn more about becoming an IABC member at